Our Competitive Advantage.
STRATEGIC LOCATION Cumberland County is the undisputed land-gateway to Nova Scotia, and the center of the Maritime provinces (NB, NS, and PEI) with growth potential in tourism, transportation, and logistics. A DIVERSE ECONOMY 37% of the labour force employment occurs in manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, and accommodation. RICH IN RENEWABLE ENERGY POTENTIAL With high wind speeds, ample sunshine, geothermal mines and, of course, the world’s highest tides, Cumberland County communities can become innovative and self-sufficient leaders in renewable energy. |
NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED PRODUCTS Cumberland County is one of 18 counties in NS, but it produces 50% of all wild blueberries grown in Nova Scotia. 80% of maple sugar taps in Nova Scotia are found in Cumberland County. STRENGTH IN AGRICULTURE Cumberland County is the second largest county in Nova Scotia and is home to 14% of all Nova Scotia farms. It has 30% of all Class II soils in the province. |